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Course Details

Lecture Titles

  1.   Papillary Lesions of the Breast (Mara Rendi M.D., Ph.D.)
  2.   Spindle Cell Neoplasms: How to Distinguish and Classify Fibroblastic Tumors, Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors and Myogenic Neoplasms (David Papke M.D., Ph.D.)
  3.   Upgrade Your Thoracic Pathology Skills: 10 Tumors You Must Have in Your Tool Kit (Sanjay Mukhopadhyay M.D.)
  4.   What Are the Cysts in This Pancreas? (Safia Salaria M.D., MMHC)
  5.   Digital Slide Seminar: Interesting Cases in Pancreatico-Biliary Pathology (Safia Salaria M.D., MMHC)
  6.   Epitheliod and Round Cell Neoplasms: General Rules and Recent Updates (David Papke M.D., Ph.D.)
  7.   What You Inhale Can Harm You: Vaping Versus Smoking (Sanjay Mukhopadhyay M.D.)
  8.   Solid Tumors of the Pancreas: It is Not All Cancer (Safia Salaria M.D., MMHC)
  9.   A Practical Guide to Understanding Breast Multi-Gene and Other Commonly Encountered Molecular Assays (Mara Rendi M.D., Ph.D.)
  10.   Digital Slide Seminar: The Low Grade Neoplasia Pathway (Mara Rendi M.D., Ph.D.)
  11.   Small Cell, Large Cell: Crash Course in Neuroendocrine Lung Neoplasms (Sanjay Mukhopadhyay M.D.)
  12.   What's in this Bag? Let's Discuss Pre-Cursor and Malignant Gallbladder Lesions (Safia Salaria M.D., MMHC)
  13.   Everything You Need to Know About ER/PR/HERZ, Ki-67 and PD-L1 Immunohistochemistry and How to Report it (Mara Rendi M.D., Ph.D.)
  14.   Adipocytic and Vascular Tumors: Treacherous Pitfalls and Useful Diagnostic Tools (David Papke M.D., Ph.D.)
  15.   Digital Slide Seminar: A Survey of Soft Tissue Tumors Emphasizing Morphologic Mimics and Diagnostic Pitfalls (David Papke M.D., Ph.D.)
  16.   A Look in the Liver for Intrahepatic Biliary Pathologies (Safia Salaria M.D., MMHC)
  17.   Daily Difficulties in Breast Pathology and How to Overcome Them (Mara Rendi M.D., Ph.D.)
  18.   Plepmorphic Sarcomas, Infammation-Rich Tumors and Other Assorted Mesenchymal Neoplasms (David Papke M.D., Ph.D.)
  19.   Lung Adenocarcinoma in 2024: The New, the Annoying and the Exciting (Sanjay Mukhopadhyay M.D.)
  20.   Digital Slide Seminar: Pathology Matters: A Potpourri of High-Yield Thoracic Pathology Cases (Sanjay Mukhopadhyay M.D.)

Stuart J. Schnitt
Stuart J. Schnitt , M.D.  (Course Director)
Affiliation : Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Brigham and Women's Hospital
Additional : Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical School
Sanjay  Mukhopadhyay
Sanjay Mukhopadhyay , M.D.  
Affiliation : Cleveland Clinic
David J. Papke
David J. Papke , M.D., Ph.D.  
Affiliation : Brigham and Women's Hospital
Mara  Rendi
Mara Rendi , M.D., Ph.D.  
Affiliation : University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Additional : Hospital Pathology Associates, Minneapolis, MN
Safia N. Salaria
Safia N. Salaria , M.D., MMHC  
Affiliation : Vanderbuilt University Medical Center
Physicians Assistants (P.A.), Fellows or Residents
If you are a Physicians Assistant (P.A.), Fellow or Resident, we offer a special course rate. Please email or call 925-376-0217 to find out more information.
I'm looking forward to my next CME with you guys! You are the best!

Upcoming courses

Duration: 4 days
October 14 - October 17, 2024
Philip E LeBoit, M.D. (Course Director)
Richard Jordan, DDS, Ph.D
J. Junkins-Hopkins, M.D.
Rajiv M. Patel, M.D.

 Read more
TUITION: $1,295.00


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